


Lead Staff

Lee Nowell-Wilson
Founder, Curator & Editor

Darin Michelle
Creative Director & Designer

Jasmine Smith
Production Manager

Alisa Brock of Drama Mama Bookshop
Print & Binding


art that explores the maternal experience. by women. for culture.

Since 2019

Containing an intentionally curated body of work, conceptually driven, and visually focused, MILKED is a new publication that examines the undertones of the maternal figure. With each issue’s theme centered around a pre-existing topic within art history, MILKED takes narratives of old and filters them through the lens of the maternal nature.


Recent Press

Annapolis Arts Week

Plain Sight D.C.


The story behind our publication’s newspaper-inspired layout plays with the stereotype of the 1950’s housewife. As a husband sits at the breakfast table reading his newspaper and his wife bustles around him, the two exist side by side but in separate worlds.

MILKED puts her world inside his newspaper — colliding the nature of both. Metaphorically this represents motherhood standing in the midst of contemporary art culture, and is intended to elevate the subject matter of motherhood beyond something “sentimental” and into a key subject of critical thinking.



Each issue features a curatorial section of 12 international artists, Milk Hour interviews with local DMV artists/mothers and Inside the Studio photo essays with Baltimore-based Artist/Parents. Resulting in 60+ pages of nothing but visual art, creative writing and stories.

Founded in 2019, MILKED is an independent project curated & edited by Lee Nowell-Wilson and designed by Darin Michelle Gilliam. Both artists. Both mothers.

We love connecting!

Don’t hesitate to email us for curatorial proposals, collaborations or stocking our publication.

If you are interested in becoming a subscriber, please stay tuned! We hope to introduce our subscription option soon.

If you’re looking for community - wonderful - we are too! in 2022/23 we hope to start our first “milked gatherings” - stay tuned!