PINT Special Edition
Investigating Maternal Ambivalence Through Collaboration
with Kaylan Buteyn & Lee Nowell-Wilson
Pint special edition
It was near the end of 2019…
…when Kaylan Buteyn, a dear friend and founder of Artist/Mother Podcast, texted me with an idea. She knew of two artist residencies that made it a priority to provide programming specifically for artist-parents (a rare find, even these days!) and what if we investigated maternal ambivalence through collaboration? I remember on December 5, 2019 getting one of those golden, alone afternoons in a cafe while my husband hung out with our kids. I happened to hop onto a shared google doc at the same time as Kaylan. Seeing her little circle ID icon on the right hand side with “typing, typing, typing” coming up on the google doc was electrifying! She wrote a sentence, I added to it, she edited it, I wrote more, it was literally as if we were virtually writing with the same pencil. I left that coffee hour pumped with inspiration and excitement (not to mention the cappuccino...).
This special edition of PINT showcases the full scope of the collaboration that developed between Kaylan Buteyn and myself. Six final, large scale pieces of art present the tension, pulling, and paradox felt within a mother’s mind while reflecting on the equivocal journey of the maternal body itself. We play with elements of abstraction and components of realism to explore layers of complex human emotions.
Enjoy the full body of work by downloading this FREE special edition of PINT! As well, take a listen to the accompanying podcast episode with Artist/Mother Podcast, episode 109.
Detail comparison of Kaylan and Lee’s work
Kaylan’s studio
Lee’s studio