PINT issue 2 - Sarah Dolan (free download)

PINT issue 2 - Sarah Dolan (free download)


Our second issue of PINT features fiber artist, Sarah Dolan and painter, Reneesha McCoy. With overlapping themes that investigate the natural consequence, vulnerability and raw physicality of pregnancy, the work of Dolan and McCoy identify concepts that expose the heart.

Still created by Lee Nowell-Wilson and Darin Michelle Gilliam, PINT maintains the vision of bringing motherhood to the foreground of contemporary culture; to be an investigation and exposure of what has long lived behind the scenes within art history. Think of MILKED as a gorgeous group exhibition and PINT as an intimate two person show. Think of MILKED as a feast for the eyes but only a taste of each ingredient, and PINT as a small but rich appetizer.

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